An appeal is a complaint or grievance to a superior court for reconsideration or review of a decision, verdict or sentence of lower court.

We Ravi Drall and Associates have filed criminal appeals in Sessions courts and High courts. Criminal appeal a have been filed in cases of MCOCA, POCSO, NDPS, Murder, Dacoity, Rape, Attempt to murder, Negotiable Instruments Act etc. appeal against conviction, appeal against acquittal. An appeal is asking a higher court to review and if needed, to reverse the decision of the lower court and to turn it in the losing party’s favor after the final judgment has been given.

Advocate Ravi Drall has extensive experience in providing primary advice on appeal following conviction and sentence in the Lower Courts.

We deal with both privately funded and legally aided clients. We handle all types of criminal cases on appeal, including:

• Murder/Manslaughter
• Violent Offences
• Drug offences
• Theft
• Burglary
• Rape and sex offences
• Robbery
• Fraud
• Blackmail
• False imprisonment

There is no automatic right to an appeal against a conviction or sentence from the Lower Courts, permission to appeal will need to be granted by the Court of Appeal before they hear your case. The law in this area is complex and any potential appellant will require specialist advice if they are to give themselves the best chance of success.

We Ravi Drall and Associates have filed criminal revisions in cases of MCOCA, POCSO, NDPS, Murder, Dacoity, Rape, Attempt to murder, Negotiable Instruments Act etc. at different stages. The object of the provisions of revision is to set right a patent defect or an error of jurisdiction or law. In certain cases where appeal and review cannot be filed Revision play potentially vital role to serve the natural justice to the aggrieved party. Revision is basically filed against preliminary or final order that may affect merits of the case but in no case a revision petition could be filed against interlocutory order which has nothing to do with the merits and final decision of the case. the filing of the revision is the time barred process, where the limit for filing the revision petition is given under Article 131 of  Schedule of Limitation Act, 1860 i.e. 90 days from date of order of decree passed. In the case where the aggrieved party failed to file the revision petition within time but with a sufficient cause, therefore in that case the statute did not take away the remedy to file but gave provision under section 5 of Limitation Act, 1860, where the delay for filing the revision can be condone by the court before which the revision got filed.


Ravi Drall & Associates deal solely in advising clients who want to appeal and We have provided positive advice in many of these cases and successfully contested numerous full hearings before the Court of Appeal.

We will work closely with you to ensure that all of your grievances with the safety of your conviction and/or the length of your sentence are fully addressed by an independent barrister with experience in appealing cases in which they were not instructed in the Crown Court.


No person shall suffer a trial in a false case, Quashing is inherent power given to the High Court for the safeguard of a miscarriage of justice. Inherent power can be utilized in each and every case. The High court may quash the criminal complaint or FIR unitizes this power only when the Criminal complaint and FIR are found to be false and frivolous and against the interest of Justice.

Filing a petition U/s 482 of Cr. P.C for quashing of F.I.R or staying the criminal procedure before High Courts;

We got quashed Sexual Offences, Matrimonial Offences.

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